Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wait For It..!!

   God always create a balance...When I say God, I don't know what that means- it could be fate, nature, a higher energy form etc…Whenever we don’t understand something, Whenever we encounter a mysterious experience… we call it on God, don't we? 

“Wow…the universe is amazing, …planets around a sun, moon around the earth…God is great!” You actually don’t understand a bit about the universe, so u call it god’s creation. 
                  Even if there’s a natural disaster like tsunami or an earthquake, some say, “God is punishing the mankind for the sins!” Really? HE is killing our population, how cruel, huh?…Ever heard of Global warming? WE DID THAT! We are killing ourselves, not god! 
                Now a days god has been reduced to an abbreviation too…OMG- Oh My God!! An internet slang without actually remembering god…I wonder what will they say when they really see a God.. “OMG, its God!! WTF dude…” Trust me, he will jump back into the portal to heaven, and never looks back. That’s what you’re doing to him. 
       That’s the god we know..And if that's god, then - May be that god gave this Universe a balance. 
        Like take this for instant..the most tastiest food items like chocolate, cheese, chicken etc,. are not healthy ( fat and high calorific value)..but all kinds of the healthy food are not that tasty as the aforementioned, like - Pulses, Oats, Carrots, I don't even remember half of them..Of course some people like these too...but come on! They have been brain washed
        I mean, If cheese is made full of protein, I would pour it in a bath tub and swim in it (and lactose-intolerants, don't try this at home!) If that’s the way, nobody would’ve discovered oats in the first place. That’s the balance I’m talking about! 
                 You can’t hit lucky stride in Poker all the time, Can you? Even If you win continuously that day, the equation changes the next time- the pot goes all in- for you to lose. It’s the balance. You cannot stay lucky forever…Also you are not unlucky all the time too. People win entire pot starting with just one chip. We need this balance very badly. 
             Did you ever think that if ‘Being fat’ is new Hot, and the Six-pack is ugly- how the world would be…The balance-counterbalance changes- Oats are the worst food, and Cheese is the best!! Six-pack is unhealthy, and obese are Models. (“OMG! She’s 50-40-60, how hot is that?) I am sorry if i hurt hurt anybody’s feelings, but get this- Because of this Six-pack being hot, because of THIS balance only, we are hitting gyms. It’s a good thing. If fat is hot, we will eat unbalanced, and we'll be dead by 35. So, balance is a good thing. And it’s good that it exists. 
            ‘Unfortunate’ is balanced by the ‘fortunate’…Fail is balanced by success..and this balance is applicable to everyone’s life. Just like waves- ups and downs, are the major part of your life. One time you go up, the next time you have to drop- otherwise, you can’t play see-saw! Life is like a see-saw too, right? 
      So, saying in brief (Unh…I’m fully dressed, don’t worry about it!)…“If One door closes, another one opens”- It’s a golden rule of Balance. ...and then again every rule has a take- this one does too..if you give up easily and don't look out for the second door, it closes pretty fast. Don’t give up, when you fall or fail. God never gives up on you, neither should you. 

    Okay, then….Finally, the Take Away message for the day is- “Don’t say ‘OMG’ unless you mean it! 

I’m kidding; the real take away message is- “If One door closes, another door opens! Wait for it!” 


                          …Thank you, and stay tuned!!